K0422-582 K04 Turbo Charger For Mazda CX-7 2.3L 53047109904 L33L13700B L3Y41370ZC - #31160-82158
PARTS NUMBER: 31160-82158
- 2007-2010 Mazda CX-7 2.3L DISI
Turbo Model: K0422-582
Parts/OE number:
53047109904; 53047109907; L33L13700B; L33L13700C;
L3Y11370ZC; L3Y41370ZC; L3Y31370ZC; L3YC1370Z;
L3YC1370ZA; L33L13700F; L133L13700F; L3Y51370Z
- Please confirm your old turbo part number matches up with one of the part numbers above
- Professional installation is highly recommended (No Instruction Included)
- For any needs please contact us.